SAP table MKPF (Header: Material Document)

SAP table MKPF is a pivotal component in the SAP Material Management (MM) module, serving as the document header table for material documents. It primarily stores key information related to material movements, such as goods receipts, goods issues, and transfer postings. The data captured in MKPF includes the document number, document date, posting date, transaction type, user ID, and plant, among other essential fields. This table acts as the central repository for summarizing and managing the header information of material document transactions, facilitating efficient inventory management and seamless integration with other SAP modules.

SAP table MKPF has 3 primary key fields being MANDT,MBLNR,MJAHR.

If you're only analyzing data from a single SAP instance you may omit field MANT in your relationships as it will we the same across the entire dataset. On the other hand, if you're combining data from multiple SAP instances you need to take MANDT into account.

Field Description Data Type Length Decimals Checktable Data Element
MANDT Client CLNT 3 0 T000 MANDT
MBLNR Number of Material Document CHAR 10 0 MBLNR
MJAHR Material Document Year NUMC 4 0 MJAHR
VGART Transaction/Event Type CHAR 2 0 T158V VGART
BLART Document Type CHAR 2 0 T003 BLART
BLAUM Document type of revaluation document CHAR 2 0 T003 BLAUM
BLDAT Document Date in Document DATS 8 0 BLDAT
BUDAT Posting Date in the Document DATS 8 0 BUDAT
CPUDT Day On Which Accounting Document Was Entered DATS 8 0 CPUDT
CPUTM Time of Entry TIMS 6 0 CPUTM
AEDAT Last Changed On DATS 8 0 AEDAT
TCODE Undefined range (can be used for patch levels) CHAR 4 0 CHAR4
XBLNR Reference Document Number CHAR 16 0 XBLNR1
BKTXT Document Header Text CHAR 25 0 BKTXT
FRATH Unplanned delivery costs CURR 13 2 FRATH
FRBNR Number of Bill of Lading at Time of Goods Receipt CHAR 16 0 FRBNR1
WEVER Version for Printing GR/GI Slip CHAR 1 0 WEVER
1 Individual Slip
2 Individual Slip with Inspection Text
3 Collective Slip
XABLN Goods Receipt/Issue Slip Number CHAR 10 0 XABLN
AWSYS Logical System CHAR 10 0 LOGSYSTEM
BLA2D Doc. type for additional doc. in purchase account management CHAR 2 0 BLA2D
TCODE2 Transaction Code CHAR 20 0 TCODE
BFWMS Control posting for external WMS CHAR 1 0 BFWMS
1 Create delivery and transmit to WM
2 Execute stock change in ERP
3 Post goods movement synchronously to EWM
EXNUM Number of foreign trade data in MM and SD documents CHAR 10 0 EXNUM
SPE_BUDAT_UHR Time of Goods Issue (Local, Relating to a Plant) TIMS 6 0 WAUHR
SPE_LOGSYS Logical System of EWM Material Document CHAR 10 0 /SPE/_LOGSYS_MD
SPE_MDNUM_EWM Number of Material Document in EWM CHAR 16 0 /SPE/MDNUM_EWM
GTS_CUSREF_NO Customs Reference Number for Scrapping CHAR 35 0 /SAPSLL/SCREF_SPI
FLS_RSTO Store Return with Inbound and Outbound Delivery CHAR 1 0 FLS_RSTO
MSR_ACTIVE Advanced Returns Management Active CHAR 1 0 MSR_ACTIVE
Adv. Returns Is Not Active
X Adv. Returns Is Active
KNUMV Number of the Document Condition CHAR 10 0 KNUMV
XCOMPL Material document can only be canceled in full CHAR 1 0 MILL_CANCEL_COMPLETE

MKPF foreign key relationships

Table Field Check Table Check Field
0 MKPF BLART T003 Document Types MANDT
1 MKPF BLAUM T003 Document Types MANDT
1 MKPF VGART T158V Inv. Mngmt - General: Transaction/Event Types Allowed VGART