SAP table T005 (Countries)

SAP table T005 has 2 primary key fields being MANDT,LAND1.

If you're only analyzing data from a single SAP instance you may omit field MANT in your relationships as it will we the same across the entire dataset. On the other hand, if you're combining data from multiple SAP instances you need to take MANDT into account.

Field Description Data Type Length Decimals Checktable Data Element
MANDT Client CLNT 3 0 T000 MANDT
LAND1 Country/Region Key CHAR 3 0 LAND1
LANDK Vehicle Country/Region Key CHAR 3 0 LANDK
LNPLZ Postal code length NUMC 2 0 LNPLZ_005
PRPLZ Rule for the postal code field check CHAR 1 0 PRUEF_005
ADDRS Formatting routine key for printing addresses CHAR 3 0 T005A ADDRS_005
XPLZS Flag: Street address postal code required entry? CHAR 1 0 XPLZS_005
XPLPF Flag: PO Box postal code required? CHAR 1 0 XPLPF_005
SPRAS Language Key LANG 1 0 T002 SPRAS
XLAND Indicator: Country/Region Version Availability CHAR 1 0 XLAND_005
Not relevant for IMG or country program
I Only relevant for IMG
X Relevant for both IMG and country program
XADDR Indicator: Print Country/Region for Addresses of Other C/R CHAR 1 0 XADDR_005
NMFMT Standard name format CHAR 2 0 T005N NMFMT_005
XREGS Flag: City file address check CHAR 1 0 XREGS_005
XPLST Flag: Street-specific postal code? (City file) CHAR 1 0 XPLST_005
INTCA ISO Code of the Country/Region CHAR 2 0 INTCA
INTCA3 ISO Country/Region Code 3 Characters CHAR 3 0 INTCA3
INTCN3 ISO Country/Region Code Numeric 3-Characters NUMC 3 0 INTCN3
XEGLD Indicator: European Union Member? CHAR 1 0 XEGLD
XSKFN Indicator: Discount base amount is the net value CHAR 1 0 XSKFN
XMWSN Indicator: Base amount for tax is net of discount ? CHAR 1 0 XMWSN
LNBKN Bank account number length NUMC 2 0 LNBKN_005
PRBKN Rule for checking bank account number field CHAR 1 0 PRBKN_005
LNBLZ Bank number length NUMC 2 0 LNBLZ_005
PRBLZ Rule for checking bank number field CHAR 1 0 PRBLZ_005
LNPSK Post office bank current account number length NUMC 2 0 LNPSK_005
PRPSK Rule for checking postal check account number field CHAR 1 0 PRPSK_005
XPRBK Indicator: Use check module for bank fields ? CHAR 1 0 XPRBK_005
BNKEY Name of the bank key CHAR 1 0 BNKEY
1 Bank number
2 Obsolete
3 Assign internally
4 Assign externally
LNBKS Length of Bank Key NUMC 2 0 LNBKS_005
PRBKS Rule for checking bank key field CHAR 1 0 PRBKS_005
XPRSO Indicator: Use check module for tax fields etc. ? CHAR 1 0 XPRSO_005
PRUIN Rule for checking VAT registration number field CHAR 1 0 PRUIN_005
UINLN VAT registration number length NUMC 2 0 UINLN
LNST1 Permitted Input Length for Tax Numbre 1 NUMC 2 0 LNST1_005
PRST1 Rule for checking tax code 1 field CHAR 1 0 PRST1_005
LNST2 Permitted Input Length for Tax Number 2 NUMC 2 0 LNST2_005
PRST2 Rule for checking tax code 2 field CHAR 1 0 PRST2_005
LNST3 Permitted Input Length for Tax Number 3 NUMC 2 0 LNST3_005
PRST3 Rule for checking tax code 3 field CHAR 1 0 PRST3_005
LNST4 Permitted Input Length for Tax Number 4 NUMC 2 0 LNST4_005
PRST4 Rule for checking tax code 4 field CHAR 1 0 PRST4_005
LNST5 Permitted Input Length for Tax Number 5 NUMC 2 0 LNST5_005
PRST5 Rule for checking tax code 5 field CHAR 1 0 PRST5_005
KALSM Procedure (Pricing, Output Control, Acct. Det., Costing,...) CHAR 6 0 T683 KALSM_D
LANDA Alternative Country/Region Key CHAR 3 0 LANDA
WECHF Bill of Exchange Payment Period NUMC 3 0 WECHF
LKVRZ Short Name for Foreign Trade Statistics CHAR 7 0 LKVRZ
INTCN Intrastat Code NUMC 3 0 INTCN
XDEZP Decimal Point Format CHAR 1 0 XDEZP
DATFM Date Format CHAR 1 0 DATFM
CURIN Currency Key of the Index-Based Currency CUKY 5 0 TCURC CURIN
CURHA Currency Key of the Hard Currency CUKY 5 0 TCURC CURHA
WAERS Reporting Currency CUKY 5 0 TCURC WAERS_005
KURST Exchange Rate Type for Translation into Reporting Currency CHAR 4 0 TCURV KURST_005
AFAPL Chart of Depreciaton for Asset Valuation CHAR 4 0 T096 AFAPL
GWGWRT Maximum Low-Value Asset Amount CURR 23 2 GWGWRT
UMRWRT Net Book Value for Changeover of Depreciation Method CURR 23 2 UMRWRT
KZRBWB Indicator Post Net Book Value for Retirement CHAR 1 0 KZRBWB
XANZUM Indicator transfer down payments from previous years CHAR 1 0 XANZUM
CTNCONCEPT Withholding Tax Certificate Numbering: Concepts CHAR 4 0 WITH_CTNCOKEY CTNCONCEPT
KZSRV Taxes at individual service level CHAR 1 0 KZSRV
XXINVE Indicator: Display Capital Goods Indicator? CHAR 1 0 XXINVE
NET_GROSS_POSTING_TYPE Calculate and Post Impairment Based on Net or Gross Amount CHAR 1 0 FINS_NET_GROSS_POSTING_TYPE
X Net
XGCCV Indicator: GCC Member? CHAR 1 0 XGCCV
SUREG Super Region for Each Country/Region CHAR 8 0 TBKS PRQ_SUREG

T005 foreign key relationships

Table Field Check Table Check Field
0 T005 ADDRS T005A Address routines MANDT
1 T005 AFAPL T096 Chart of depreciation MANDT
0 T005 CTNCONCEPT WITH_CTNCOKEY Withholding tax certificate numbering: Concepts CTNCONCEPT
1 T005 CURHA TCURC Currency Codes MANDT
1 T005 CURHA TCURC Currency Codes WAERS
0 T005 CURIN TCURC Currency Codes MANDT
0 T005 CURIN TCURC Currency Codes WAERS
1 T005 KALSM T683 Pricing procedures KAPPL
1 T005 KALSM T683 Pricing procedures KALSM
0 T005 KURST TCURV Exchange rate types for currency translation MANDT
0 T005 KURST TCURV Exchange rate types for currency translation KURST
1 T005 LANDD T5D4E DEUEV Nationality Key ENDDA
0 T005 MANDT T000 Clients MANDT
1 T005 NMFMT T005N Name formats MANDT
1 T005 NMFMT T005N Name formats LAND1
1 T005 NMFMT T005N Name formats NAMEFORMAT
0 T005 SUREG TBKS Super region MANDT
1 T005 WAERS TCURC Currency Codes MANDT
1 T005 WAERS TCURC Currency Codes WAERS