SAP table T027C (Codes for Compliance with Shipping Instructions)

SAP table T027C has 3 primary key fields being MANDT,EVERS,EVERE.

If you're only analyzing data from a single SAP instance you may omit field MANT in your relationships as it will we the same across the entire dataset. On the other hand, if you're combining data from multiple SAP instances you need to take MANDT into account.

Field Description Data Type Length Decimals Checktable Data Element
MANDT Client CLNT 3 0 T000 MANDT
EVERS Shipping Instructions CHAR 2 0 T027A EVERS
EVERE Compliance with Shipping Instructions CHAR 2 0 EVERE
EVPKT Score for Compliance with Shipping Instructions DEC 3 0 EVPKT
EVXOK Indicator for Default Value CHAR 1 0 EVXOK
EVTXT Text Key for Compliance with Shipping Instructions CHAR 70 0 EVETN
EVDRK Indicator: Short Text CHAR 1 0 EVDRK
EVDRL Indicator: Long text CHAR 1 0 EVDRL

T027C foreign key relationships

Table Field Check Table Check Field
0 T027C EVERS T027A Shipping Instructions, Purchasing EVERS
1 T027C MANDT T000 Clients MANDT