SAP table TVMS (Materials: Status in Sales and Distribution)

SAP table TVMS has 2 primary key fields being MANDT,VMSTA.

If you're only analyzing data from a single SAP instance you may omit field MANT in your relationships as it will we the same across the entire dataset. On the other hand, if you're combining data from multiple SAP instances you need to take MANDT into account.

Field Description Data Type Length Decimals Checktable Data Element
MANDT Client CLNT 3 0 T000 MANDT
VMSTA Distribution-chain-specific material status CHAR 2 0 VMSTA
SPVBA Blocked for inquiry CHAR 1 0 SPVBA
SPVBB Blocked for quotation CHAR 1 0 SPVBB
SPVBC Blocked for sales order CHAR 1 0 SPVBC
SPVBD Blocked for product proposal CHAR 1 0 SPVBD
SPVBE Blocked for scheduling agreement CHAR 1 0 SPVBE
SPVBF Blocked for value contract CHAR 1 0 SPVBF_VMS
SPVBG Blocked for contract CHAR 1 0 SPVBG
SPVBH Blocked for returns CHAR 1 0 SPVBH
SPVBI Blocked for free of charge delivery CHAR 1 0 SPVBI
SPVBJ Blocked for delivery CHAR 1 0 SPVBJ
SPVBK Blocked for credit memo request CHAR 1 0 SPVBK
SPVBL Blocked for debit memo request CHAR 1 0 SPVBL
LIFSP Schedule Line Blocked for Delivery CHAR 2 0 TVLS LIFSP_EP
WAUFT Blocked for allocation table CHAR 1 0 WAUFT
WREPL Blocked for Replenishment CHAR 1 0 WREPL
WSTOR Blocked for store order CHAR 1 0 WSTOR

TVMS foreign key relationships

Table Field Check Table Check Field
0 TVMS LIFSP TVLS Deliveries: Blocking Reasons/Criteria MANDT
0 TVMS LIFSP TVLS Deliveries: Blocking Reasons/Criteria LIFSP