SAP table TVTY (Packaging Material Types)

SAP table TVTY has 2 primary key fields being MANDT,TRATY.

If you're only analyzing data from a single SAP instance you may omit field MANT in your relationships as it will we the same across the entire dataset. On the other hand, if you're combining data from multiple SAP instances you need to take MANDT into account.

Field Description Data Type Length Decimals Checktable Data Element
MANDT Client CLNT 3 0 T000 MANDT
TRATY Packaging Material Type CHAR 4 0 VHIART
KAPPL Application for output conditions CHAR 2 0 * NA_KAPPL
KALSM Output determination procedure CHAR 6 0 T683 KALSMB
KSCHL Output Type CHAR 4 0 T685 NA_KSCHL
SORTF Sort Sequence for Displaying Handling Unit NUMC 4 0 SORT_VHART
WERFD Plant Determination for Handling Units CHAR 1 0 WERFD
Plant is entered manually in the handling unit
A Plant proposed from the packaging material
B Plant determined from the first item that was packed
VELTP Packaging Material Category CHAR 1 0 VELTP
A Means of transport
B Transport equipment
C Packaging materials
D Auxiliary packaging material
GRUVS Data transfer routine when dividing by quantity/weight NUMC 3 0 * GRUVS_TVTY
NRVERG Type of External Handling Unit Number Assignment CHAR 1 0 VV_NRVRG
SSCC18 HU Type for EAN128 (AI 01) CHAR 1 0 EAN128_HU_ART
0 Carton
1 Pallet
2 Container
3 Unknown
4 Company-intern
5 Unrestricted use (5)
6 Unrestricted Use (6)
7 Unrestricted Use (7)
8 Unrestricted Use (8)
9 Unrestricted Use (9)
INT_NKR Number Range Interval for Internal Number Assignment CHAR 2 0 VV_INT_NKR
EXT_NKR External Number Range Interval for HU Number Assignment CHAR 2 0 VV_EXT_NKR
TARAVAR Indicator: Tare Weight of Packaging Material is Variable CHAR 1 0 HUM_TARAVAR
STSMA Status Profile for Handling-Unit User Status CHAR 8 0 * HUM_STSMA
KZPGN Indicator: Generate Delivery Items CHAR 1 0 HUM_KZPGN

TVTY foreign key relationships

Table Field Check Table Check Field
0 TVTY KALSM T683 Pricing procedures KAPPL
0 TVTY KALSM T683 Pricing procedures KALSM
1 TVTY KSCHL T685 Conditions: Types KAPPL
1 TVTY KSCHL T685 Conditions: Types KSCHL