SAP table MGEF (Hazardous materials)

SAP table MGEF has 3 primary key fields being MANDT,STOFF,REGKZ.

If you're only analyzing data from a single SAP instance you may omit field MANT in your relationships as it will we the same across the entire dataset. On the other hand, if you're combining data from multiple SAP instances you need to take MANDT into account.

Field Description Data Type Length Decimals Checktable Data Element
STOFF Hazardous material number CHAR 40 0 STOFF
REGKZ Region code CHAR 3 0 T646R REGKZ
LAGKL Storage class CHAR 5 0 T646L LVS_LAGKL
WGFKL Water Pollution Class NUMC 1 0 MGEF_WGFKL
0 Not a water pollutant
1 Minimal water pollution danger
2 Water pollutant
3 Extreme water pollution danger
WGKKZ Ind.: water pollution classification prescribed by law CHAR 1 0 MGEF_WGKKZ
GFVM1 Hazardous material warning CHAR 2 0 T646G MGEF_GFVM0
GFVM2 Hazardous material warning CHAR 2 0 T646G MGEF_GFVM0
GFVM3 Hazardous material warning CHAR 2 0 T646G MGEF_GFVM0
GFVM4 Hazardous material warning CHAR 2 0 T646G MGEF_GFVM0
GFVM5 Hazardous material warning CHAR 2 0 T646G MGEF_GFVM0
GFVM6 Hazardous material warning CHAR 2 0 T646G MGEF_GFVM0
GFVM7 Hazardous material warning CHAR 2 0 T646G MGEF_GFVM0
GFVM8 Hazardous material warning CHAR 2 0 T646G MGEF_GFVM0
SFNR1 Number of hazardous substance CHAR 6 0 MGEF_SFNR0
SFNR2 Number of hazardous substance CHAR 6 0 MGEF_SFNR0
SFNR3 Number of hazardous substance CHAR 6 0 MGEF_SFNR0
SFNR4 Number of hazardous substance CHAR 6 0 MGEF_SFNR0
SFKO1 Concentration of hazardous substances DEC 5 2 MGEF_SFKO0
0 Appropriate percentage values
SFKO2 Concentration of hazardous substances DEC 5 2 MGEF_SFKO0
0 Appropriate percentage values
SFKO3 Concentration of hazardous substances DEC 5 2 MGEF_SFKO0
0 Appropriate percentage values
SFKO4 Concentration of hazardous substances DEC 5 2 MGEF_SFKO0
0 Appropriate percentage values
FLAPU Flash point DEC 5 1 MGEF_FLAPU
SIDNR Safety specifications sheet number CHAR 10 0 MGEF_SIDNR
SIVAR Variant of safety specifications sheet CHAR 8 0 MGEF_SIVAR
SIVER Version of safety specifications sheet CHAR 6 0 MGEF_SIVER
LGFVM Hazardous material storage warning CHAR 2 0 T646V MGEF_LGFVM
AGGRE State of matter CHAR 1 0 T646A MGEF_AGGRE
VBFKL Hazard classification of regulation on combustible fluids CHAR 4 0 MGEF_VBFKL
STOFT Short text for number of hazardous material CHAR 40 0 MGEF_STOFT
STOKL Class of substances CHAR 9 0 T023 MGEF_STOKL

MGEF foreign key relationships

Table Field Check Table Check Field
0 MGEF AGGRE T646A Aggregate States MANDT
0 MGEF AGGRE T646A Aggregate States AGGRE
1 MGEF GFVM1 T646G Hazardous Material Warnings MANDT
1 MGEF GFVM1 T646G Hazardous Material Warnings GEFVM
0 MGEF GFVM2 T646G Hazardous Material Warnings MANDT
0 MGEF GFVM2 T646G Hazardous Material Warnings GEFVM
1 MGEF GFVM3 T646G Hazardous Material Warnings MANDT
1 MGEF GFVM3 T646G Hazardous Material Warnings GEFVM
0 MGEF GFVM4 T646G Hazardous Material Warnings MANDT
0 MGEF GFVM4 T646G Hazardous Material Warnings GEFVM
1 MGEF GFVM5 T646G Hazardous Material Warnings MANDT
1 MGEF GFVM5 T646G Hazardous Material Warnings GEFVM
0 MGEF GFVM6 T646G Hazardous Material Warnings MANDT
0 MGEF GFVM6 T646G Hazardous Material Warnings GEFVM
1 MGEF GFVM7 T646G Hazardous Material Warnings MANDT
1 MGEF GFVM7 T646G Hazardous Material Warnings GEFVM
0 MGEF GFVM8 T646G Hazardous Material Warnings MANDT
0 MGEF GFVM8 T646G Hazardous Material Warnings GEFVM
1 MGEF LAGKL T646L Storage Classes MANDT
0 MGEF LGFVM T646V Hazardous Material Warnings MANDT
0 MGEF LGFVM T646V Hazardous Material Warnings LGFVM
1 MGEF REGKZ T646R Region Codes MANDT
0 MGEF STOKL T023 Material Groups MATKL