SAP table T001K (Valuation area)

SAP table T001K has 2 primary key fields being MANDT,BWKEY.

If you're only analyzing data from a single SAP instance you may omit field MANT in your relationships as it will we the same across the entire dataset. On the other hand, if you're combining data from multiple SAP instances you need to take MANDT into account.

Field Description Data Type Length Decimals Checktable Data Element
MANDT Client CLNT 3 0 T000 MANDT
BWKEY Valuation area CHAR 4 0 BWKEY
BUKRS Company Code CHAR 4 0 T001 BUKRS
BWMOD Valuation Grouping Code CHAR 4 0 BWMOD
XBKNG Negative stocks in valuation area allowed CHAR 1 0 XBKNG
MLBWA Material Ledger Activated in Valuation Area CHAR 1 0 CK_ML_BWAC
MLBWV Material Ledger Activated in Valuation Area (Compulsory) CHAR 1 0 CK_ML_BWAV
XVKBW Sales price valuation active CHAR 1 0 XVKBW
ERKLAERKOM Explanation Facility for Material Ledger Active/Inactive CHAR 1 0 ERKLAERKOM
UPROF Retail revalution profile CHAR 4 0 TWUP UPROF_D
WBPRO Profile for value-based inventory management CHAR 4 0 TWPR WBPRO
MLAST Material Price Determination: Control CHAR 1 0 CK_ML_ABST
2 Transaction-Based
3 Single-/Multilevel
MLASV Price Determination Is Binding in Valuation Area CHAR 1 0 CK_ML_ABSV
BDIFP Stock correction tolerance DEC 5 2 BDIFP
XLBPD Price difference posting in GR for subcontract oder CHAR 1 0 XLBPD
XEWRX Post purchase account with receipt value CHAR 1 0 XEWRX
X2FDO Two FI documents with purchase account CHAR 1 0 X2FDO
PRSFR Price Release CHAR 1 0 PRSFRG
Dynamic price release is not active
1 Dynamic price release is active
MLCCS Active Actual Cost Component Split CHAR 1 0 CK_MLCCS
XEFRE Del. costs to price diff. acct when purch. acct active CHAR 1 0 XEFRE
EFREJ Start of validity period f. del. costs in price diff. acct NUMC 4 0 EFREJ
/FMP/PRSFR Price Release Flexible Material Prices CHAR 1 0 /FMP/MP_PRSFRG_N
Dynamic price release is not active
1 Dynamic price release is active

T001K foreign key relationships

Table Field Check Table Check Field
0 T001K BUKRS T001 Company Codes BUKRS
1 T001K MANDT T000 Clients MANDT
0 T001K UPROF TWUP Profiles for Revaluation at Retail MANDT
0 T001K UPROF TWUP Profiles for Revaluation at Retail UPROF
1 T001K WBPRO TWPR Profile for Value-Based Inventory Management MANDT
1 T001K WBPRO TWPR Profile for Value-Based Inventory Management WBPRO