SAP table T001 (Company Codes)

SAP table T001 is a fundamental table in the SAP ERP system that stores general company data. This table contains essential information about the organizational structure of a company, specifically at the company code level. Each entry in T001 represents a company code, which is a unique identifier for an independent accounting entity within the SAP system.

SAP table T001 has 2 primary key fields being MANDT,BUKRS.

If you're only analyzing data from a single SAP instance you may omit field MANT in your relationships as it will we the same across the entire dataset. On the other hand, if you're combining data from multiple SAP instances you need to take MANDT into account.

Field Description Data Type Length Decimals Checktable Data Element
MANDT Client CLNT 3 0 T000 MANDT
BUKRS Company Code CHAR 4 0 BUKRS
BUTXT Name of Company Code or Company CHAR 25 0 BUTXT
ORT01 City CHAR 25 0 ORT01
LAND1 Country/Region Key CHAR 3 0 T005 LAND1
SPRAS Language Key LANG 1 0 T002 SPRAS
KTOPL Chart of Accounts CHAR 4 0 T004 KTOPL
WAABW Maximum exchange rate deviation in percent NUMC 2 0 WAABW_001
PERIV Fiscal Year Variant CHAR 2 0 T009 PERIV
KOKFI Allocation Indicator CHAR 1 0 KOKFI
1 Controlling area same as company code
2 Cross-company-code cost accounting
RCOMP Company CHAR 6 0 T880 RCOMP_D
STCEG VAT Registration Number CHAR 20 0 STCEG
FIKRS Financial Management Area CHAR 4 0 FM01 FIKRS
XFMCO Indicator: Project Cash Management active? CHAR 1 0 XFMCO
XFMCB Indicator: Cash Budget Management Active CHAR 1 0 XFMCB
XFMCA Activate Update in Funds Management CHAR 1 0 XFMCA
TXJCD Jurisdiction for tax calculation - tax jurisdiction code CHAR 15 0 TXJCD_NSTX
FMHRDATE Funds center can be assigned to an account in HR from DATS 8 0 FM_HRDATE
XTEMPLT Company code is a template CHAR 1 0 FINS_XTEMPLT
BUVAR Company Code Variant (Screen) CHAR 1 0 BUVAR
Standard version
1 For Austria and Switzerland
2 For France and countries with withholding tax
3 Countries with Classic Withholding Tax
FDBUK Cash Management and Forecast Company Code CHAR 4 0 T001 FDBUK
XFDIS Indicator: Cash Management Activated? CHAR 1 0 XFDIS
XVALV Indicator: Propose Current Date As Value Date? CHAR 1 0 XVALV
XSKFN Indicator: Discount base amount is the net value CHAR 1 0 XSKFN
KKBER Credit control area CHAR 4 0 T014 KKBER
XMWSN Indicator: Base amount for tax is net of discount ? CHAR 1 0 XMWSN
MREGL Rules for Copying from the Sample Account for G/L Accounts CHAR 4 0 T004R MREGL
XGSBE Indicator: Business Area Financial Statements Required? CHAR 1 0 XGSBE
XGJRV Indicator: Propose Fiscal Year? CHAR 1 0 XGJRV
XKDFT Indicator: Post Translations for Exchange Rate Differences? CHAR 1 0 XKDFT
XPROD Indicator: Productive Company Code? CHAR 1 0 XPROD_001
XEINK Indicator: Purchase Account Processing Is Active CHAR 1 0 XEINK
XJVAA Indicator: JVA Active CHAR 1 0 JV_ACTIVE
XVVWA Indicator: Financial Assets Management Active CHAR 1 0 XVVWA
XSLTA Indicator: No Exchange Rate Difference When Clearing in LC CHAR 1 0 XSLTA
XFDMM Indicator: Updating MM in Cash Mgmt/Forecast Activated? CHAR 1 0 XFDMM
XFDSD Indicator: Updating SD in Cash Mgmt/Forecast Activated? CHAR 1 0 XFDSD
XEXTB Indicator: Company Code Is in Another System CHAR 1 0 XEXTB
EBUKR Original Key of the Company Code CHAR 4 0 EBUKR_001
KTOP2 Alternative Chart of Accounts CHAR 4 0 T004 KTOP2
UMKRS Taxes on Sales/Purchases Group CHAR 4 0 T007F UMKRS
BUKRS_GLOB Name of global company code CHAR 6 0 T001O BUKRS_GLOB
FSTVA Field Status Variant CHAR 4 0 T004V FSTVA
OPVAR Posting Period Variant CHAR 4 0 T010O OPVAR
XCOVR Indicator: hedge request active CHAR 1 0 XCOVR
TXKRS Foreign Currency Translation for Tax Items CHAR 1 0 TXKRS
Exchange Rate According to Document Header (Default)
1 Manual exchange rate entry possible
2 Exchange rate determined using posting date
3 Exchange rate determined using document date
4 Exch. rate determ. acc. to pstg date with distr. of diffs
5 Exchange Rate Determination According to Tax Reporting Date
6 Exchange Rate Determination According to Service Date
WFVAR Workflow Variant CHAR 4 0 VBWF01 WFVAR
XBBBF G/L account authorization check in inventory management CHAR 1 0 XBBBF
XBBBE G/L account authorization check in PO/scheduling agreement CHAR 1 0 XBBBE
XBBBA G/L account authorization check in purchase requisitions CHAR 1 0 XBBBA
XBBKO G/L account authorization check in contracts CHAR 1 0 XBBKO
XSTDT Indicator: Document Date As the Basis for Tax Determination CHAR 1 0 XSTDT_001
MWSKV Input Tax Code for Non-Taxable Transactions CHAR 2 0 * MWSKZ_NSTV
MWSKA Output Tax Code for Non-Taxable Transactions CHAR 2 0 * MWSKZ_NSTA
IMPDA Foreign Trade: Import Data Control in MM Purchase Orders CHAR 1 0 IMPDATEN
Call up import data screens in the case of EU import only
1 Call up import data screens for every import
2 Never call up import data screens
3 Always call up import data screen
XNEGP Indicator: Negative Postings Permitted CHAR 1 0 XNEGP_ACT
XKKBI Indicator: Can Credit Control Area Be Overwritten? CHAR 1 0 XKKBI
WT_NEWWT Indicator: Extended Withholding Tax Active CHAR 1 0 WT_NEWWT
PP_PDATE Procedure for Setting the Posting Date CHAR 1 0 PP_PDATE
Posting date is not changed during posting
1 Posting date is changed to system date
2 Same as 1 only if the posting period is closed
INFMT Inflation Method CHAR 4 0 J_1AINFMET J_1AINFME_
FSTVARE Funds Reservation Field Status Variant CHAR 4 0 TREV FSTVARE
KOPIM Foreign trade: Import data copying control for GR CHAR 1 0 KOPIM
No determination of import data
A Copy import data
DKWEG Foreign Trade: Screen ctrl of f. MM-goods rececipt CHAR 1 0 DKWEG
Never call up import data screens
A Call up import data screens for goods receipt only
B Call up import data screens for foreign trade only
C Call up import data screens for goods rcpt and foreign trade
OFFSACCT Method for Offsetting Account Determination NUMC 1 0 GOFFSACCT
BAPOVAR Additional settings variant for bus.area financial statemnts CHAR 2 0 TGSB_CUS BAPOVAR
XCOS Cost of Sales Accounting Status CHAR 1 0 XCOS
1 In preparation
2 Active
XCESSION Accounts Receivable Pledging Active CHAR 1 0 X_CESSION
XSPLT Enable Amount Split CHAR 1 0 BSPLT
SURCCM Surcharge Calculation Method CHAR 1 0 J_1ISURC
Combine with Basic Withholding Tax Codes
X Use Separate Withholding Tax Codes
DTPROV Document Type for Provisions for Taxes on Services Received CHAR 2 0 T003 J_1IPROV
DTAMTC Document Type for Journal Voucher (Amount Correction) CHAR 2 0 T003 J_1IAMTC
DTTAXC Document Type for Journal Voucher (Tax Code Correction) CHAR 2 0 T003 J_1ITAXC
DTTDSP Document Type for Remittance Challans CHAR 2 0 T003 J_1ITDSTYP
DTAXR Deferred Tax Rule CHAR 4 0 T007DT DTAXR
XVATDATE Tax Reporting Date Active in Documents CHAR 1 0 XVATDATE
PST_PER_VAR Manage Variant of Posting Period for Company Code/Ledger CHAR 1 0 FAGL_POST_PER_VAR
XBBSC G/L account authorization check in shopping cart CHAR 1 0 /SRMERP/XBBSC
F_OBSOLETE Hide Entry in Value Help CHAR 1 0 FI_OBSOLETE_F4
FM_DERIVE_ACC Activate Account Assignment Derivation in Funds Management CHAR 1 0 FM_DERIVE_ACC

T001 foreign key relationships

The T001 table is interconnected with numerous other SAP tables, which facilitates comprehensive data management and operational efficiency across different modules. Some of the most important connections include:

  • T001K (Company Code - Chart of Accounts): Links company codes to their respective charts of accounts, ensuring proper financial data categorization.
  • T001L (Company Code - Currency): Stores information about the local currency used by each company code.
  • T001W (Plants/Branches): Connects company codes to plant data, which is essential for material management and logistics processes.
  • SKA1 (G/L Account Master - Chart of Accounts): Ensures that general ledger accounts are accurately linked to the company codes through the chart of accounts.
  • BKPF (Accounting Document Header): Associates financial documents with the relevant company codes, enabling accurate financial reporting and auditing.

Understanding the role of table T001 and its connections with other tables is essential for managing organizational and financial data in an SAP ERP system. This table is a cornerstone for various business processes, ensuring that company-specific data is organized, consistent, and accessible.

Table Field Check Table Check Field
0 T001 BUKRS_GLOB T001O Cross-System Company Codes MANDT
1 T001 DTAMTC T003 Document Types MANDT
0 T001 DTAXR T007DT Deferred Tax Rules MANDT
1 T001 DTPROV T003 Document Types MANDT
0 T001 DTTAXC T003 Document Types MANDT
1 T001 DTTDSP T003 Document Types MANDT
0 T001 FDBUK T001 Company Codes BUKRS
1 T001 FIKRS FM01 Financial Management Areas FIKRS
0 T001 FSTVA T004V Field Status Variant MANDT
1 T001 FSTVARE TREV Field Status Variant for Funds Reservation MANDT
1 T001 FSTVARE TREV Field Status Variant for Funds Reservation FSTVARE
0 T001 INFMT J_1AINFMET Inflation Methods LAND1
1 T001 KKBER T014 Credit control areas KKBER
0 T001 KTOP2 T004 Directory of Charts of Accounts MANDT
0 T001 KTOP2 T004 Directory of Charts of Accounts KTOPL
1 T001 KTOPL T004 Directory of Charts of Accounts MANDT
0 T001 LAND1 T005 Countries MANDT
0 T001 LAND1 T005 Countries LAND1
1 T001 MANDT T000 Clients MANDT
0 T001 MREGL T004R Rules index for sample accounts MANDT
1 T001 OPVAR T010O Posting Period Variants MANDT
0 T001 PERIV T009 Fiscal Year Variants MANDT
0 T001 PERIV T009 Fiscal Year Variants PERIV
1 T001 RCOMP T880 Global Company Data (for KONS Ledger) MANDT
1 T001 RCOMP T880 Global Company Data (for KONS Ledger) RCOMP
0 T001 UMKRS T007F Taxes on Sales/Purchases Groups UMKRS
1 T001 WAERS TCURC Currency Codes MANDT
1 T001 WAERS TCURC Currency Codes WAERS
0 T001 WFVAR VBWF01 Company Code-Dependent Release Data MANDT