SAP table T006 (Units of Measurement)

SAP table T006 has 2 primary key fields being MANDT,MSEHI.

If you're only analyzing data from a single SAP instance you may omit field MANT in your relationships as it will we the same across the entire dataset. On the other hand, if you're combining data from multiple SAP instances you need to take MANDT into account.

Field Description Data Type Length Decimals Checktable Data Element
MANDT Client CLNT 3 0 T000 MANDT
MSEHI Unit of Measurement UNIT 3 0 MSEHI
KZEX3 3-char indicator for external unit of measurement CHAR 1 0 KZEX3
KZEX6 6-char. ID for external unit of measurement CHAR 1 0 KZEX6
ANDEC No. of decimal places for rounding INT2 5 0 ANDEC
KZKEH Commercial measurement unit ID CHAR 1 0 KZKEH
KZWOB Value-based commitment indicator CHAR 1 0 KZWOB
KZ1EH Indicator (1) unit (indicator not yet defined) CHAR 1 0 KZ1EH
KZ2EH Indicator (2) unit (indicator not yet defined) CHAR 1 0 KZ2EH
DIMID Dimension key CHAR 6 0 T006D DIMID
ZAEHL Numerator for conversion to SI unit INT4 10 0 DZAEHL
NENNR Denominator for conversion into SI unit INT4 10 0 NENNR
EXP10 base ten exponent for conversion to SI unit INT2 5 0 EXP10
ADDKO Additive constant for conversion to SI unit DEC 9 6 ADDKO
EXPON Exponent of 10 for Floating Point Format INT2 5 0 EXPON
DECAN Number of decimal places for number display INT2 5 0 DECAN
ISOCODE ISO code for unit of measurement CHAR 3 0 T006I ISOCD_UNIT
PRIMARY Selection field for conversion from ISO code to int. code CHAR 1 0 ISOCD_MARK
TEMP_UNIT Temperature unit UNIT 3 0 T006 TEMP_UNIT
FAMUNIT Unit of measurement family CHAR 1 0 FAMUNIT
PRESS_VAL Pressure Value FLTP 16 16 PRESS_VAL
PRESS_UNIT Unit of Pressure UNIT 3 0 * PRESS_UNIT

T006 foreign key relationships

Table Field Check Table Check Field
0 T006 DIMID T006D Dimensions DIMID
1 T006 ISOCODE T006I ISO codes for units of measurement CLIENT
0 T006 MANDT T000 Clients MANDT
1 T006 TEMP_UNIT T006 Units of Measurement MANDT
1 T006 TEMP_UNIT T006 Units of Measurement MSEHI