SAP table TKEB (Management for Operating Concerns (Client-Specific))

SAP Table TKEB is used for managing client-specific settings and configurations related to operating concerns in Profitability Analysis (CO-PA). It stores critical information for controlling structures, such as assignment rules and attributes that define how data is processed and analyzed for profitability reporting. This table supports client-specific customization to meet the unique operational and reporting requirements of the organization.

SAP table TKEB has 2 primary key fields being MANDT,ERKRS.

If you're only analyzing data from a single SAP instance you may omit field MANT in your relationships as it will we the same across the entire dataset. On the other hand, if you're combining data from multiple SAP instances you need to take MANDT into account.

Field Description Data Type Length Decimals Checktable Data Element
MANDT Client CLNT 3 0 T000 MANDT
ERKRS Operating concern CHAR 4 0 ERKRS
SAPRL SAP release when last generated CHAR 4 0 RKE_SAPRL
PVERS Program Version NUMC 3 0 RKE_PVERS
HITYP Customer hierarchy type CHAR 1 0 THIT HITYP_KH
WAERS Operating concern currency CUKY 5 0 TCURC RKE_WAERS
PERIV Fiscal Year Variant CHAR 2 0 T009 PERIV
PERFLAG Period-type indicator CHAR 1 0 PERFLAG
1 Periods according to fiscal year variant
2 Calendar weeks
PERIV2 Fiscal year variant for alternative period type CHAR 2 0 T009 PERIV2
PERFLAG2 Alternative period type indicator CHAR 1 0 PERFLAG2
2 Calendar weeks
USEPER2I Indicator: Update actual data in the second period type CHAR 1 0 USEPER2I
USEPER2P Indicator: Update plan data in the 2nd period type CHAR 1 0 USEPER2P
TIMESTMP Start time for reading data DEC 16 0 RKE_DBSTMP
ALEACT CO-PA Distribution: Active indicator CHAR 1 0 RKE_ALEACT
Distribution is not active
1 Distribution by transaction is active
2 Periodic roll-up is active
CHAR_CHECK Consistency Check for Characteristic Values CHAR 1 0 RKE_CHAR_CHECK
CRERL SAP Release in which the operating concern was created CHAR 4 0 RKE_CRERL
CREDA Date operating concern was created DATS 8 0 RKE_CREDA
Default (depends on DB)
1 Update on Primary DB
2 Update on Secondary DB
3 Update on Primary and Secondary DB
NO_CE3 General Flag CHAR 1 0 FLAG
Flag is not set
X Flag set (event raised)
ALEACT_CPA Activity Indicator Distribution of Combined CO-PA CHAR 1 0 RKE_ALEACT_CPA
Distribution Is Not Active
1 Distribution by Transaction Is Active
2 Periodic Roll-Up Is Active

TKEB foreign key relationships

Table Field Check Table Check Field
0 TKEB HITYP THIT Customer Hierarchy Types MANDT
0 TKEB HITYP THIT Customer Hierarchy Types HITYP
1 TKEB PERIV T009 Fiscal Year Variants MANDT
1 TKEB PERIV T009 Fiscal Year Variants PERIV
0 TKEB PERIV2 T009 Fiscal Year Variants MANDT
0 TKEB PERIV2 T009 Fiscal Year Variants PERIV