SAP table EINA (Purchasing Info Record: General Data)

The EINA table in SAP contains the general data for Purchasing Info Records (PIR). This table stores vendor and material-related information that is independent of a specific purchasing organization or plant.

Key Features:

This table works in conjunction with EINE (Purchasing Organization-specific Info Record Data), which stores data specific to individual purchasing organizations or plants.

SAP table EINA has 2 primary key fields being MANDT,INFNR.

If you're only analyzing data from a single SAP instance you may omit field MANT in your relationships as it will we the same across the entire dataset. On the other hand, if you're combining data from multiple SAP instances you need to take MANDT into account.

Field Description Data Type Length Decimals Checktable Data Element
MANDT Client CLNT 3 0 T000 MANDT
INFNR Number of purchasing info record CHAR 10 0 INFNR
MATNR Material Number CHAR 40 0 MARA MATNR
MATKL Material Group CHAR 9 0 T023 MATKL
LIFNR Vendor's account number CHAR 10 0 LFA1 ELIFN
LOEKZ Purchasing info: General data flagged for deletion CHAR 1 0 ILOEA
ERDAT Date on which the record was created DATS 8 0 ERDAT
ERNAM Name of Person Responsible for Creating the Object CHAR 12 0 ERNAM
TXZ01 Short Text for Purchasing Info Record CHAR 40 0 EINATX
SORTL Sort Term for Non-Stock Info Records CHAR 10 0 SORTI
MEINS Purchase Order Unit of Measure UNIT 3 0 T006 BSTME
UMREZ Numerator for Conversion of Order Unit to Base Unit DEC 5 0 UMBSZ
UMREN Denominator for Conversion of Order Unit to Base Unit DEC 5 0 UMBSN
IDNLF Material Number Used by Supplier CHAR 35 0 IDNLF
VERKF Salesperson Responsible in the Event of Queries CHAR 30 0 VERKF
TELF1 Supplier's Telephone Number CHAR 16 0 TELF0
MAHN1 Number of Days for First Reminder/Expediter DEC 3 0 MAHN1
MAHN2 Number of Days for Second Reminder/Expediter DEC 3 0 MAHN2
MAHN3 Number of Days for Third Reminder/Expediter DEC 3 0 MAHN3
URZNR Certificate Number CHAR 10 0 URZNR
URZDT Certificate of Origin Valid Until DATS 8 0 URZDT
URZLA Country/Region of Issue of Certificate of Origin CHAR 3 0 T005 ULAND
URZTP Certificate Category CHAR 1 0 T069 URZTP
LMEIN Base Unit of Measure UNIT 3 0 T006 MEINS
REGIO Region (State, Province, County) CHAR 3 0 T005S REGIO
VABME Variable Purchase Order Unit Active CHAR 1 0 VABME
Not active
1 Active
2 Active with own price
LTSNR Supplier Subrange CHAR 6 0 WYT1 LTSNR
LTSSF Sort Sequence Number NUMC 5 0 LTSSF
WGLIF Supplier Material Group CHAR 18 0 WGLIF
RUECK Return Agreement CHAR 2 0 TWRV W_RUECKNV
LIFAB Available (Deliverable) From DATS 8 0 LIFAB
LIFBI Available (Deliverable) Until DATS 8 0 LIFBI
KOLIF Prior Supplier CHAR 10 0 LFA1 KOLIF
ANZPU Number of Points QUAN 13 3 ANZPU
PUNEI Points Unit UNIT 3 0 T006 PUNEI
RELIF Regular Supplier CHAR 1 0 RELIF
MFRNR Manufacturer CHAR 10 0 MFRNR1
DUMMY_EINA_INCL_EEW_PS Data element for Inforecords extensibility CHAR 1 0 EINA_INCL_EEW
ISEOPBLOCKED Business Purpose Completed CHAR 1 0 EOPBLOCKED
Ongoing Business, Active Purpose
X Business Purpose Completed, End of Purpose Reached

EINA foreign key relationships

Table Field Check Table Check Field
0 EINA KOLIF LFA1 Supplier Master (General Section) MANDT
0 EINA KOLIF LFA1 Supplier Master (General Section) LIFNR
1 EINA LIFNR LFA1 Supplier Master (General Section) MANDT
1 EINA LIFNR LFA1 Supplier Master (General Section) LIFNR
0 EINA LMEIN T006 Units of Measurement MANDT
0 EINA LMEIN T006 Units of Measurement MSEHI
1 EINA LTSNR WYT1 Vendor Subrange MANDT
1 EINA LTSNR WYT1 Vendor Subrange LIFNR
1 EINA LTSNR WYT1 Vendor Subrange LTSNR
1 EINA MATKL T023 Material Groups MATKL
0 EINA MATNR MARA General Material Data MANDT
0 EINA MATNR MARA General Material Data MATNR
1 EINA MEINS T006 Units of Measurement MANDT
1 EINA MEINS T006 Units of Measurement MSEHI
0 EINA PUNEI T006 Units of Measurement MANDT
1 EINA REGIO T005S Taxes: Region (Province) Key LAND1
0 EINA RUECK TWRV Return agreements IS-R MANDT
0 EINA RUECK TWRV Return agreements IS-R RUECV
1 EINA URZLA T005 Countries MANDT
1 EINA URZLA T005 Countries LAND1
0 EINA URZTP T069 Certificate Categories MANDT
0 EINA URZTP T069 Certificate Categories URZTP