SAP table SKB1 (G/L account master (company code))

SAP table SKB1 is part of the General Ledger Accounting module and stores G/L account master data specific to individual company codes. It contains information that controls how a G/L account is managed and processed within a particular company code, such as account currency, tax-related settings, reconciliation accounts, and other configuration data. This table ensures that G/L accounts are aligned with the financial requirements of each company code in SAP. More general, chart of accounts level configuration, can be found in SAP table SKA1 (G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts)).

SAP table SKB1 has 3 primary key fields being MANDT,BUKRS,SAKNR.

If you're only analyzing data from a single SAP instance you may omit field MANT in your relationships as it will we the same across the entire dataset. On the other hand, if you're combining data from multiple SAP instances you need to take MANDT into account.

Field Description Data Type Length Decimals Checktable Data Element
MANDT Client CLNT 3 0 T000 MANDT
BUKRS Company Code CHAR 4 0 T001 BUKRS
SAKNR G/L Account Number CHAR 10 0 SKA1 SAKNR
BEGRU Authorization Group CHAR 4 0 BRGRU
BUSAB Accounting Clerk Abbreviation CHAR 2 0 T001S BUSAB
DATLZ Date of Last Interest Calculation Run DATS 8 0 DATLZ
ERDAT Date on which the Record Was Created DATS 8 0 ERDAT_RF
ERNAM Name of Person who Created the Object CHAR 12 0 ERNAM_RF
FDGRV Planning Group CHAR 10 0 T035 FDGRV
FDLEV Planning Level CHAR 2 0 T036 FDLEV
FIPLS Financial Budget Item NUMC 3 0 FIPLS
FSTAG Field status group CHAR 4 0 T004F FSTAG
HBKID Short Key for a House Bank CHAR 5 0 T012 HBKID
HKTID ID for Account Details CHAR 5 0 T012K HKTID
KDFSL Key for Exchange Rate Differences in Foreign Currency Accts CHAR 4 0 T030S KDFSL
MITKZ Account is Reconciliation Account CHAR 1 0 MITKZ
A Assets
D Customers
K Vendors
V Contract accounts receivable
MWSKZ Tax Category in Account Master Record CHAR 2 0 SMWSK
STEXT G/L Account Additional Text CHAR 50 0 STEXT_SKB1
VZSKZ Interest Indicator CHAR 2 0 T056 VZSKZ
WAERS Account Currency CUKY 5 0 TCURC WAERS_SKB1
WMETH Indicator: Account Managed in External System CHAR 2 0 WMETH
Standard account management
X Account managed in another system
XGKON Cash Receipt Account / Cash Disbursement Account CHAR 1 0 XGKON
XINTB Indicator: Is Account only Posted to Automatically? CHAR 1 0 XINTB
XKRES Indicator: Can Line Items Be Displayed by Account? CHAR 1 0 XKRES
XLOEB Indicator: Account Marked for Deletion? CHAR 1 0 XLOEV
XNKON Indicator: Supplement for Automatic Postings ? CHAR 1 0 XNKON
XOPVW Indicator: Open Item Management? CHAR 1 0 XOPVW
XSPEB Indicator: Is Account Blocked for Posting? CHAR 1 0 XSPEB
ZINDT Key Date of Last Interest Calculation DATS 8 0 DZINDT
ZINRT Interest Calculation Frequency in Months NUMC 2 0 DZINRT
ZUAWA Key for sorting according to assignment numbers CHAR 3 0 TZUN DZUAWA
ALTKT Alternative Account Number in Company Code CHAR 10 0 ALTKT_SKB1
XMITK Indicator: Reconcil.Acct Ready for Input at Time of Posting? CHAR 1 0 XMITK
RECID Recovery Indicator CHAR 2 0 T8JJ JV_RECIND
FIPOS Commitment Item CHAR 14 0 FIPOS
XMWNO Indicator: Tax code is not a required field CHAR 1 0 XMWNO
XSALH Manage Balances in Local Currency Only (Indicator) CHAR 1 0 XSALH
BEWGP Valuation Group CHAR 10 0 BEWGP
TOGRU Tolerance Group for G/L Accounts CHAR 4 0 T043S TOGRU_S
XLGCLR Open Item Management by Ledger Group CHAR 1 0 XLGCLR
X_UJ_CLR Extended Open Item Management CHAR 1 0 X_UJ_CLR
COCHANGED Controlling area data changed CHAR 1 0 FINS_SKB1_COCHANGED
LAST_CHANGED_TS UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) DEC 15 0 TIMESTAMP

SKB1 foreign key relationships

Table Field Check Table Check Field
0 SKB1 BUKRS T001 Company Codes BUKRS
1 SKB1 BUSAB T001S Accounting Clerks MANDT
1 SKB1 BUSAB T001S Accounting Clerks BUKRS
1 SKB1 BUSAB T001S Accounting Clerks BUSAB
0 SKB1 FDGRV T035 Planning groups GRUPP
1 SKB1 FDLEV T036 Planning levels EBENE
0 SKB1 FSTAG T004F Field status definition groups MANDT
0 SKB1 FSTAG T004F Field status definition groups BUKRS
1 SKB1 HBKID T012 House Banks BUKRS
0 SKB1 HKTID T012K House Bank Accounts MANDT
0 SKB1 HKTID T012K House Bank Accounts BUKRS
0 SKB1 HKTID T012K House Bank Accounts HBKID
0 SKB1 HKTID T012K House Bank Accounts HKTID
1 SKB1 INFKY J_1AINFSKS Inflation Keys - G/L Account MANDT
1 SKB1 INFKY J_1AINFSKS Inflation Keys - G/L Account LAND1
0 SKB1 KDFSL T030S Accts for Foreign Currency Assets Exchange Rate Differences KTOPL
0 SKB1 KDFSL T030S Accts for Foreign Currency Assets Exchange Rate Differences CURTP
1 SKB1 MCAKEY GLE_MCA_TMCAKEY Key for assigning MCA relevant attributs to SKB1 accounts .INCLUDE
1 SKB1 MCAKEY GLE_MCA_TMCAKEY Key for assigning MCA relevant attributs to SKB1 accounts MANDT
0 SKB1 RECID T8JJ Recovery Indicator MANDT
0 SKB1 RECID T8JJ Recovery Indicator BUKRS
1 SKB1 SAKNR SKA1 G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts) MANDT
1 SKB1 SAKNR SKA1 G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts) KTOPL
1 SKB1 SAKNR SKA1 G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts) SAKNR
0 SKB1 TOGRU T043S Tolerances for Groups of G/L Accounts MANDT
0 SKB1 TOGRU T043S Tolerances for Groups of G/L Accounts BUKRS
0 SKB1 TOGRU T043S Tolerances for Groups of G/L Accounts TOGRU
1 SKB1 VZSKZ T056 Interest Indicator MANDT
1 SKB1 VZSKZ T056 Interest Indicator VZSKZ