SAP table SKB1 (G/L account master (company code))
SAP table SKB1 is part of the General Ledger Accounting module and stores G/L account master data specific to individual company codes. It contains information that controls how a G/L account is managed and processed within a particular company code, such as account currency, tax-related settings, reconciliation accounts, and other configuration data. This table ensures that G/L accounts are aligned with the financial requirements of each company code in SAP. More general, chart of accounts level configuration, can be found in SAP table SKA1 (G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts)).
SAP table SKB1 has 3 primary key fields being MANDT,BUKRS,SAKNR.
If you're only analyzing data from a single SAP instance you may omit field MANT in your relationships as it will we the same across the entire dataset. On the other hand, if you're combining data from multiple SAP instances you need to take MANDT into account.
Field | Description | Data Type | Length | Decimals | Checktable | Data Element | |||||||||
MANDT | Client | CLNT | 3 | 0 | T000 | MANDT | |||||||||
BUKRS | Company Code | CHAR | 4 | 0 | T001 | BUKRS | |||||||||
SAKNR | G/L Account Number | CHAR | 10 | 0 | SKA1 | SAKNR | |||||||||
BEGRU | Authorization Group | CHAR | 4 | 0 | BRGRU | ||||||||||
BUSAB | Accounting Clerk Abbreviation | CHAR | 2 | 0 | T001S | BUSAB | |||||||||
DATLZ | Date of Last Interest Calculation Run | DATS | 8 | 0 | DATLZ | ||||||||||
ERDAT | Date on which the Record Was Created | DATS | 8 | 0 | ERDAT_RF | ||||||||||
ERNAM | Name of Person who Created the Object | CHAR | 12 | 0 | ERNAM_RF | ||||||||||
FDGRV | Planning Group | CHAR | 10 | 0 | T035 | FDGRV | |||||||||
FDLEV | Planning Level | CHAR | 2 | 0 | T036 | FDLEV | |||||||||
FIPLS | Financial Budget Item | NUMC | 3 | 0 | FIPLS | ||||||||||
FSTAG | Field status group | CHAR | 4 | 0 | T004F | FSTAG | |||||||||
HBKID | Short Key for a House Bank | CHAR | 5 | 0 | T012 | HBKID | |||||||||
HKTID | ID for Account Details | CHAR | 5 | 0 | T012K | HKTID | |||||||||
KDFSL | Key for Exchange Rate Differences in Foreign Currency Accts | CHAR | 4 | 0 | T030S | KDFSL | |||||||||
MITKZ | Account is Reconciliation Account | CHAR | 1 | 0 | MITKZ |
MWSKZ | Tax Category in Account Master Record | CHAR | 2 | 0 | SMWSK | ||||||||||
STEXT | G/L Account Additional Text | CHAR | 50 | 0 | STEXT_SKB1 | ||||||||||
VZSKZ | Interest Indicator | CHAR | 2 | 0 | T056 | VZSKZ | |||||||||
WAERS | Account Currency | CUKY | 5 | 0 | TCURC | WAERS_SKB1 | |||||||||
WMETH | Indicator: Account Managed in External System | CHAR | 2 | 0 | WMETH |
XGKON | Cash Receipt Account / Cash Disbursement Account | CHAR | 1 | 0 | XGKON | ||||||||||
XINTB | Indicator: Is Account only Posted to Automatically? | CHAR | 1 | 0 | XINTB | ||||||||||
XKRES | Indicator: Can Line Items Be Displayed by Account? | CHAR | 1 | 0 | XKRES | ||||||||||
XLOEB | Indicator: Account Marked for Deletion? | CHAR | 1 | 0 | XLOEV | ||||||||||
XNKON | Indicator: Supplement for Automatic Postings ? | CHAR | 1 | 0 | XNKON | ||||||||||
XOPVW | Indicator: Open Item Management? | CHAR | 1 | 0 | XOPVW | ||||||||||
XSPEB | Indicator: Is Account Blocked for Posting? | CHAR | 1 | 0 | XSPEB | ||||||||||
ZINDT | Key Date of Last Interest Calculation | DATS | 8 | 0 | DZINDT | ||||||||||
ZINRT | Interest Calculation Frequency in Months | NUMC | 2 | 0 | DZINRT | ||||||||||
ZUAWA | Key for sorting according to assignment numbers | CHAR | 3 | 0 | TZUN | DZUAWA | |||||||||
ALTKT | Alternative Account Number in Company Code | CHAR | 10 | 0 | ALTKT_SKB1 | ||||||||||
XMITK | Indicator: Reconcil.Acct Ready for Input at Time of Posting? | CHAR | 1 | 0 | XMITK | ||||||||||
RECID | Recovery Indicator | CHAR | 2 | 0 | T8JJ | JV_RECIND | |||||||||
FIPOS | Commitment Item | CHAR | 14 | 0 | FIPOS | ||||||||||
XMWNO | Indicator: Tax code is not a required field | CHAR | 1 | 0 | XMWNO | ||||||||||
XSALH | Manage Balances in Local Currency Only (Indicator) | CHAR | 1 | 0 | XSALH | ||||||||||
BEWGP | Valuation Group | CHAR | 10 | 0 | BEWGP | ||||||||||
INFKY | Inflation Key | CHAR | 8 | 0 | J_1AINFSKS | J_1AIFSKS | |||||||||
TOGRU | Tolerance Group for G/L Accounts | CHAR | 4 | 0 | T043S | TOGRU_S | |||||||||
XLGCLR | Open Item Management by Ledger Group | CHAR | 1 | 0 | XLGCLR | ||||||||||
X_UJ_CLR | Extended Open Item Management | CHAR | 1 | 0 | X_UJ_CLR | ||||||||||
COCHANGED | Controlling area data changed | CHAR | 1 | 0 | FINS_SKB1_COCHANGED | ||||||||||
LAST_CHANGED_TS | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | DEC | 15 | 0 | TIMESTAMP |
SKB1 foreign key relationships
Table | Field | Check Table | Check Field | |
0 SKB1 | BUKRS | T001 | Company Codes | BUKRS |
1 SKB1 | BUSAB | T001S | Accounting Clerks | MANDT |
1 SKB1 | BUSAB | T001S | Accounting Clerks | BUKRS |
1 SKB1 | BUSAB | T001S | Accounting Clerks | BUSAB |
0 SKB1 | FDGRV | T035 | Planning groups | GRUPP |
1 SKB1 | FDLEV | T036 | Planning levels | EBENE |
0 SKB1 | FSTAG | T004F | Field status definition groups | MANDT |
0 SKB1 | FSTAG | T004F | Field status definition groups | BUKRS |
1 SKB1 | HBKID | T012 | House Banks | BUKRS |
0 SKB1 | HKTID | T012K | House Bank Accounts | MANDT |
0 SKB1 | HKTID | T012K | House Bank Accounts | BUKRS |
0 SKB1 | HKTID | T012K | House Bank Accounts | HBKID |
0 SKB1 | HKTID | T012K | House Bank Accounts | HKTID |
1 SKB1 | INFKY | J_1AINFSKS | Inflation Keys - G/L Account | MANDT |
1 SKB1 | INFKY | J_1AINFSKS | Inflation Keys - G/L Account | LAND1 |
0 SKB1 | KDFSL | T030S | Accts for Foreign Currency Assets Exchange Rate Differences | KTOPL |
0 SKB1 | KDFSL | T030S | Accts for Foreign Currency Assets Exchange Rate Differences | CURTP |
1 SKB1 | MCAKEY | GLE_MCA_TMCAKEY | Key for assigning MCA relevant attributs to SKB1 accounts | .INCLUDE |
1 SKB1 | MCAKEY | GLE_MCA_TMCAKEY | Key for assigning MCA relevant attributs to SKB1 accounts | MANDT |
0 SKB1 | RECID | T8JJ | Recovery Indicator | MANDT |
0 SKB1 | RECID | T8JJ | Recovery Indicator | BUKRS |
1 SKB1 | SAKNR | SKA1 | G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts) | MANDT |
1 SKB1 | SAKNR | SKA1 | G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts) | KTOPL |
1 SKB1 | SAKNR | SKA1 | G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts) | SAKNR |
0 SKB1 | TOGRU | T043S | Tolerances for Groups of G/L Accounts | MANDT |
0 SKB1 | TOGRU | T043S | Tolerances for Groups of G/L Accounts | BUKRS |
0 SKB1 | TOGRU | T043S | Tolerances for Groups of G/L Accounts | TOGRU |
1 SKB1 | VZSKZ | T056 | Interest Indicator | MANDT |
1 SKB1 | VZSKZ | T056 | Interest Indicator | VZSKZ |
0 SKB1 | WAERS | TCURC | Currency Codes | MANDT |
0 SKB1 | WAERS | TCURC | Currency Codes | WAERS |