SAP table T001L (Storage Locations)
SAP table T001L has 3 primary key fields being MANDT,WERKS,LGORT.
If you're only analyzing data from a single SAP instance you may omit field MANT in your relationships as it will we the same across the entire dataset. On the other hand, if you're combining data from multiple SAP instances you need to take MANDT into account.
Field | Description | Data Type | Length | Decimals | Checktable | Data Element | |||||||
MANDT | Client | CLNT | 3 | 0 | T000 | MANDT | |||||||
WERKS | Plant | CHAR | 4 | 0 | T001W | WERKS_D | |||||||
LGORT | Storage location | CHAR | 4 | 0 | LGORT_D | ||||||||
LGOBE | Description of Storage Location | CHAR | 16 | 0 | LGOBE | ||||||||
SPART | Division | CHAR | 2 | 0 | TSPA | SPART | |||||||
XLONG | Negative stocks allowed in storage location | CHAR | 1 | 0 | XLONG | ||||||||
XBUFX | Freezing book inventory bal. allowed in stor. loc. | CHAR | 1 | 0 | XBUFX | ||||||||
DISKZ | Storage location MRP indicator | CHAR | 1 | 0 | DISKZ |
XBLGO | Storage location authorization for goods movements active | CHAR | 1 | 0 | XBLGO | ||||||||
XRESS | Storage Location is Assigned to Resource (Storage Resource) | CHAR | 1 | 0 | XRESS | ||||||||
XHUPF | Handling unit requirement | CHAR | 1 | 0 | XHUPF | ||||||||
PARLG | Partner storage location of the handling unit | CHAR | 4 | 0 | PARLG | ||||||||
VKORG | Sales Organization | CHAR | 4 | 0 | TVKO | VKORG | |||||||
VTWEG | Distribution Channel | CHAR | 2 | 0 | TVTW | VTWEG | |||||||
VSTEL | Shipping Point / Receiving Point | CHAR | 4 | 0 | TVST | VSTEL | |||||||
LIFNR | Vendor's account number | CHAR | 10 | 0 | LFA1 | ELIFN | |||||||
KUNNR | Account number of customer | CHAR | 10 | 0 | KNA1 | EKUNN | |||||||
MESBS | Business System of MES | CHAR | 60 | 0 | MDG_BUS_SYS_TECH | MB_MES_BUSINESS_SYSTEM | |||||||
MESST | Type of Inventory Management for Production Storage Location | CHAR | 1 | 0 | MB_MES_STORLOC_TYPE |
CONFIGDEPRECATIONCODE | Value Help: Flag Deprecated Entries | CHAR | 1 | 0 | CONFIG_DEPRECATION_CODE |
OIH_LICNO | License number for untaxed stock | CHAR | 15 | 0 | OIH_LICNO | ||||||||
OIG_ITRFL | TD in-transit flag | CHAR | 1 | 0 | OIG_ITRFL | ||||||||
OIB_TNKASSIGN | Silo Managament: Tank assignment indicator | CHAR | 1 | 0 | OIB_TNKASSIGN |
T001L foreign key relationships
Table | Field | Check Table | Check Field | |
0 T001L | KUNNR | KNA1 | General Data in Customer Master | MANDT |
0 T001L | KUNNR | KNA1 | General Data in Customer Master | KUNNR |
1 T001L | LIFNR | LFA1 | Supplier Master (General Section) | MANDT |
1 T001L | LIFNR | LFA1 | Supplier Master (General Section) | LIFNR |
0 T001L | MANDT | T000 | Clients | MANDT |
1 T001L | MESBS | MDG_BUS_SYS_TECH | Technical information of a Business System | MANDT |
0 T001L | SPART | TSPA | Organizational Unit: Sales Divisions | MANDT |
0 T001L | SPART | TSPA | Organizational Unit: Sales Divisions | SPART |
1 T001L | VKORG | TVKO | Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations | MANDT |
1 T001L | VKORG | TVKO | Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations | VKORG |
0 T001L | VSTEL | TVST | Organizational Unit: Shipping Points | MANDT |
0 T001L | VSTEL | TVST | Organizational Unit: Shipping Points | VSTEL |
1 T001L | VTWEG | TVTW | Organizational Unit: Distribution Channels | MANDT |
1 T001L | VTWEG | TVTW | Organizational Unit: Distribution Channels | VTWEG |
0 T001L | WERKS | T001W | Plants/Branches | WERKS |