SAP table T001W (Plants/Branches)

The SAP table T001W is an essential component within the SAP system that defines and stores data related to plant locations. Specifically, it contains information about different plants within an organization, including their unique plant codes, names, and associated company codes. This table plays a crucial role in the logistics and materials management modules by facilitating the organization and management of inventory, production, and procurement processes at various plant locations. The data in T001W is used to link plants to company codes, enabling accurate financial and operational reporting, and ensuring smooth integration of plant-level activities with the overall corporate structure.

In SAP, a plant is an organizational unit within a company that serves as a location where production, procurement, maintenance, and inventory management activities are carried out. Plants are integral to the SAP system, providing a physical or logical subdivision of a company, which helps in managing and reporting on these various operational processes. Each plant is uniquely identified within the SAP system and can be linked to a specific company code, allowing for precise tracking and management of resources, materials, and financial transactions. Plants can represent manufacturing sites, distribution centers, regional sales offices, or any other physical locations where business activities take place.

SAP table T001W has 2 primary key fields being MANDT,WERKS.

If you're only analyzing data from a single SAP instance you may omit field MANT in your relationships as it will we the same across the entire dataset. On the other hand, if you're combining data from multiple SAP instances you need to take MANDT into account.

Field Description Data Type Length Decimals Checktable Data Element
MANDT Client CLNT 3 0 T000 MANDT
NAME1 Name CHAR 30 0 NAME1
BWKEY Valuation area CHAR 4 0 T001K BWKEY
KUNNR Customer Number of Plant CHAR 10 0 KNA1 KUNNR_WK
LIFNR Supplier Number of Plant CHAR 10 0 LFA1 LIFNR_WK
FABKL Factory calendar key CHAR 2 0 TFACD FABKL
NAME2 Name 2 CHAR 30 0 NAME2
STRAS Street and House Number CHAR 30 0 STRAS
PSTLZ Postal Code CHAR 10 0 PSTLZ
ORT01 City CHAR 25 0 ORT01
EKORG Purchasing organization CHAR 4 0 T024E EKORG
VKORG Sales Organization for Intercompany Billing CHAR 4 0 TVKO VKOIV
CHAZV Indicator: batch status management active CHAR 1 0 CHAZV
KKOWK Indicator: Conditions at plant level CHAR 1 0 KKOWK
Conditions allowed with and without plant
+ Only plant-related conditions allowed
- No plant-related conditions allowed
KORDB Indicator: Source list requirement CHAR 1 0 KORDB
BEDPL Activating requirements planning CHAR 1 0 BEDPL
LAND1 Country/Region Key CHAR 3 0 T005 LAND1
REGIO Region (State, Province, County) CHAR 3 0 T005S REGIO
COUNC County Code CHAR 3 0 T005E COUNC
CITYC City Code CHAR 4 0 T005G CITYC
ADRNR Address CHAR 10 0 * ADRNR
IWERK Maintenance Planning Plant CHAR 4 0 T001W IWERK
TXJCD Tax Jurisdiction CHAR 15 0 TTXJ TXJCD
VTWEG Distribution channel for intercompany billing CHAR 2 0 TVTW VTWIV
SPART Division for intercompany billing CHAR 2 0 TSPA SPAIV
SPRAS Language Key LANG 1 0 T002 SPRAS
AWSLS Variance Key CHAR 6 0 TKV01 AWSLS
CHAZV_OLD Indicator: batch status management active CHAR 1 0 CHAZV
VLFKZ Plant category CHAR 1 0 VLFKZ
A Store
B Distribution Center
BZIRK Sales District CHAR 6 0 T171 BZIRK
ZONE1 Supply region (region supplied) CHAR 10 0 TZONE LFREG
TAXIW Tax Indicator: Plant (Purchasing) CHAR 1 0 TMKW1 TAXIW1
BZQHL Take Regular Supplier into Account CHAR 1 0 BZQHL
LET01 Number of Days for First Reminder/Expediter DEC 3 0 MAHN1
LET02 Number of Days for Second Reminder/Expediter DEC 3 0 MAHN2
LET03 Number of Days for Third Reminder/Expediter DEC 3 0 MAHN3
TXNAM_MA1 Text name of 1st dunning of vendor declarations CHAR 16 0 TXNAM_MA1
TXNAM_MA2 Text name of the 2nd dunning of vendor declarations CHAR 16 0 TXNAM_MA2
TXNAM_MA3 Text name of 3rd dunning of vendor declarations CHAR 16 0 TXNAM_MA3
BETOL Number of days for PO tolerance - Compress info records - SU NUMC 3 0 BETOL
VTBFI Rule for determining the sales area for stock transfers CHAR 2 0 VTBFI
Sales area of supplying plant (standard)
01 Search using supplying plant / customer (Table TVKWZ, KNVV)
FPRFW Distribution profile at plant level CHAR 3 0 TWFPF FPRFW
ACHVM Central archiving marker for master record CHAR 1 0 ACHVM_X
DVSART Batch Record: Type of DMS Used CHAR 1 0 DVSART
SAP document management system
1 External document management system
NODETYPE Node type: supply chain network CHAR 3 0 MDRP_NODT NODETYPE
NSCHEMA Structure for Name Formation CHAR 4 0 CKMLMV007 CKML_NSCHEMA
PKOSA Cost Object Controlling Linking Active CHAR 1 0 CKML_FLG_PKOSA
MISCH Updating Is Active for Mixed Costing CHAR 1 0 CKML_FLG_MISCH
MGVUPD Updating Is Active in Actual Costing CHAR 1 0 CKML_FLG_MGVUPD
VSTEL Shipping Point / Receiving Point CHAR 4 0 TVST VSTEL
MGVLAUPD Update of Activity Consumption in the Quantity Structure CHAR 1 0 CKML_MGVLAUPD
0 No activity update
1 Activity update not relevant to price determination
2 Activity update relevant to price determination
MGVLAREVAL Control of Credit of Cost Centers CHAR 1 0 CKML_MGVLAREVAL
Credit Cost Centers Using Periodic Run / Parallel COGM
1 Credit Cost Centers Using Alternative Valuation Run
SOURCING Invoke Added-Function Source Determination via ATP CHAR 1 0 MMPUR_SOURCING
No added-function source determination
1 Added-function source determ. in case of no existing sources
2 Added-function source determ. in case of existing sources
FSH_MG_ARUN_REQ Supply Assignment (ARun) CHAR 1 0 ARUN_REQ
FSH_SEAIM Indicator: Season Active in Inventory Management CHAR 1 0 FSH_SEAIM
FSH_BOM_MAINTENANCE Control data for Fashion BOM Maintenance CHAR 1 0 FSH_BOM_MAINTENANCE
Generic article level BOM maintenance
1 Variant level BOM maintenance
2 Generic and Variant level BOM maintenance
FSH_GROUP_PR Activate Variant Grouping CHAR 1 0 FSH_GROUP_PR
X Yes
ARUN_FIX_BATCH Assign Batches in Supply Assignment (ARun) CHAR 1 0 ARUN_FIXBATCH
OILIVAL Exchange valuation indicator CHAR 1 0 OIA_VALFLG
Exchange inventory valuation from valuation segment MBEW
X Exchange inventory valuation from purchase order net price
OIHVTYPE Vendor type (refinery/mill/other) (Brazil) CHAR 1 0 OIH_J1B_VTYP
Distributor only
M Mill (for alcohol)
O Other
R Refinery only
X Refinery and Distributor
STORETYPE Store Category to Differentiate Store, Dep. Store, Shop CHAR 1 0 WRF_STORETYPE
1 Department Store
2 Shop
DEP_STORE Superior Department Store CHAR 4 0 WRF_DEP_STORE

T001W foreign key relationships

Table Field Check Table Check Field
0 T001W AWSLS TKV01 Variance Keys: Cost Centers/Costing MANDT
0 T001W AWSLS TKV01 Variance Keys: Cost Centers/Costing AWOBA
0 T001W AWSLS TKV01 Variance Keys: Cost Centers/Costing AWSLS
1 T001W BZIRK T171 Customers: Sales Districts MANDT
1 T001W BZIRK T171 Customers: Sales Districts BZIRK
0 T001W CITYC T005G City MANDT
0 T001W CITYC T005G City LAND1
0 T001W CITYC T005G City REGIO
0 T001W CITYC T005G City CITYC
1 T001W COUNC T005E County MANDT
1 T001W COUNC T005E County LAND1
1 T001W COUNC T005E County REGIO
1 T001W COUNC T005E County COUNC
0 T001W EKORG T024E Purchasing Organizations EKORG
1 T001W FPRFW TWFPF Plant Profiles for Merchandise Distribution MANDT
1 T001W FPRFW TWFPF Plant Profiles for Merchandise Distribution FPRFW
0 T001W IWERK T001W Plants/Branches MANDT
0 T001W IWERK T001W Plants/Branches WERKS
1 T001W J_1BBRANCH PBUSINESSPLACE Generated Table for View BUKRS
0 T001W KUNNR KNA1 General Data in Customer Master MANDT
0 T001W KUNNR KNA1 General Data in Customer Master KUNNR
1 T001W LAND1 T005 Countries MANDT
1 T001W LAND1 T005 Countries LAND1
0 T001W LIFNR LFA1 Supplier Master (General Section) MANDT
0 T001W LIFNR LFA1 Supplier Master (General Section) LIFNR
1 T001W MANDT T000 Clients MANDT
0 T001W NSCHEMA CKMLMV007 Name formation (structure table) NSCHEMA
1 T001W REGIO T005S Taxes: Region (Province) Key LAND1
0 T001W SPART TSPA Organizational Unit: Sales Divisions MANDT
0 T001W SPART TSPA Organizational Unit: Sales Divisions SPART
1 T001W TAXIW TMKW1 Taxes: Plant (Purchasing) MANDT
1 T001W TAXIW TMKW1 Taxes: Plant (Purchasing) LAND1
1 T001W TAXIW TMKW1 Taxes: Plant (Purchasing) TAXIW
0 T001W TXJCD TTXJ Check Table for Tax Jurisdiction MANDT
0 T001W TXJCD TTXJ Check Table for Tax Jurisdiction KALSM
1 T001W VKORG TVKO Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations MANDT
1 T001W VKORG TVKO Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations VKORG
0 T001W VSTEL TVST Organizational Unit: Shipping Points MANDT
0 T001W VSTEL TVST Organizational Unit: Shipping Points VSTEL
1 T001W VTWEG TVTW Organizational Unit: Distribution Channels MANDT
1 T001W VTWEG TVTW Organizational Unit: Distribution Channels VTWEG
0 T001W ZONE1 TZONE Customers: Regional zones MANDT
0 T001W ZONE1 TZONE Customers: Regional zones LAND1
0 T001W ZONE1 TZONE Customers: Regional zones ZONE1