SAP table CBPR (CO-ABC: Activity Master Table)
SAP table CBPR has 4 primary key fields being MANDT,KOKRS,PRZNR,DATBI.
If you're only analyzing data from a single SAP instance you may omit field MANT in your relationships as it will we the same across the entire dataset. On the other hand, if you're combining data from multiple SAP instances you need to take MANDT into account.
Field | Description | Data Type | Length | Decimals | Checktable | Data Element | |||||||||||||
MANDT | Client | CLNT | 3 | 0 | T000 | MANDT | |||||||||||||
KOKRS | Controlling Area | CHAR | 4 | 0 | TKA01 | KOKRS | |||||||||||||
PRZNR | Business Process | CHAR | 12 | 0 | CO_PRZNR | ||||||||||||||
DATBI | Valid To Date | DATS | 8 | 0 | DATBI | ||||||||||||||
DATAB | Valid-From Date | DATS | 8 | 0 | DATAB | ||||||||||||||
ERFDT | Entered On | DATS | 8 | 0 | ERFDT | ||||||||||||||
ERFNM | Entered By | CHAR | 12 | 0 | ERFNM | ||||||||||||||
AENDT | Date of last change | DATS | 8 | 0 | AENDT | ||||||||||||||
AENNM | Last Changed By | CHAR | 12 | 0 | AENNM | ||||||||||||||
PRART | CO-OM-ABC: Business Process Category | CHAR | 4 | 0 | CBPL | CO_CBART_4 | |||||||||||||
PRTYP | CO-ABC: Business Process Type | NUMC | 2 | 0 | CO_BPTYP | ||||||||||||||
OBJNR | Object number | CHAR | 22 | 0 | ONR00 | J_OBJNR | |||||||||||||
OWAER | Currency Key | CUKY | 5 | 0 | TCURC | OWAER | |||||||||||||
VERAP | Person Responsible | CHAR | 20 | 0 | CO_VERAP | ||||||||||||||
VERAP_USER | Person Responsible for Business Process | CHAR | 12 | 0 | USR02 | VERAP_USER | |||||||||||||
BUKRS | Company Code | CHAR | 4 | 0 | T001 | BUKRS | |||||||||||||
GSBER | Business Area | CHAR | 4 | 0 | TGSB | GSBER | |||||||||||||
WERKS | Plant | CHAR | 4 | 0 | T001W | WERKS_D | |||||||||||||
PRCTR | Profit Center | CHAR | 10 | 0 | CEPC | PRCTR | |||||||||||||
VKORG | Sales Organization | CHAR | 4 | 0 | TVKO | VKORG | |||||||||||||
VTWEG | Distribution Channel | CHAR | 2 | 0 | TVTW | VTWEG | |||||||||||||
SPART | Division | CHAR | 2 | 0 | TSPA | SPART | |||||||||||||
PHINR | Standard Hierarchy Area | CHAR | 12 | 0 | CO_BPHINR | ||||||||||||||
ATTRI | Business Process Attributes/CO Tasks | CHAR | 4 | 0 | CB_ATTRI | ||||||||||||||
KOSTL | Cost Center | CHAR | 10 | 0 | * | KOSTL | |||||||||||||
KHINR | Cost Center Group | CHAR | 15 | 0 | KSGRU | ||||||||||||||
ATTR1 | First Business Process Attribute | CHAR | 24 | 0 | ABC_ATTRI1 | ||||||||||||||
ATTR2 | Second Business Process Attribute | CHAR | 24 | 0 | ABC_ATTRI2 | ||||||||||||||
BP_STAT | Indicator "Statistical Business Process" | CHAR | 1 | 0 | BP_STAT | ||||||||||||||
TEMPLCLASS | Valid Environments | CHAR | 3 | 0 | COTPLCLASS | ABC_CLASS | |||||||||||||
TEMPLATE | Template: Allocation of Business Processes | CHAR | 10 | 0 | COTPL | ABC_TEMPL_SBP | |||||||||||||
TEMPL_BPP | Template for Formula Planning on Business Processes | CHAR | 10 | 0 | COTPL | ABC_TEMPL_BPP | |||||||||||||
KALSM | Costing Sheet | CHAR | 6 | 0 | T683 | AUFKALSM | |||||||||||||
PD_TASK_TP | Task Type | CHAR | 2 | 0 | * | PD_TASK_TP | |||||||||||||
PD_TASK_ID | Task (ID of Task) | NUMC | 8 | 0 | * | PD_TASK_ID | |||||||||||||
CBRKE | External Value Added Ranking (CO-OM-ABC) | NUMC | 2 | 0 | CBRK | CO_CBRKE | |||||||||||||
CBRKI | Internal Value Added Ranking (CO-OM-ABC) | NUMC | 2 | 0 | CBRK | CO_CBRKI | |||||||||||||
CBART | Business Process Attribute: Category | CHAR | 2 | 0 | CBAR | CO_CBART | |||||||||||||
DRVTP | Business Process Attribute: Allocation Category (CO-OM-ABC) | CHAR | 3 | 0 | CBDT | CO_DRVTP | |||||||||||||
CBAT | Business Process Attribute: Additional Attribute (CO-OM-ABC) | CHAR | 10 | 0 | CBAT | CO_CBAT | |||||||||||||
WFD_ID | Number of workflow definition | CHAR | 10 | 0 | SWD_WFD_ID | ||||||||||||||
VERSION | Version | CHAR | 4 | 0 | SWD_VERSIO | ||||||||||||||
EXETYP | Workflow Type | CHAR | 1 | 0 | SWD_EXETYP |
LOGSYSTEM | Logical System | CHAR | 10 | 0 | TBDLS | LOGSYSTEM | |||||||||||||
LEINH | Activity Unit (CO-OM-ABC) | UNIT | 3 | 0 | T006 | LEINH_ABC | |||||||||||||
AUSEH | Output Unit | UNIT | 3 | 0 | T006 | AUSEH | |||||||||||||
AUSFK | Output factor | DEC | 5 | 2 | AUSFK | ||||||||||||||
VKSTA | Allocation Cost Element | CHAR | 10 | 0 | * | VKSTA | |||||||||||||
TARKZ | Price Indicator: Calculate Allocation Price | CHAR | 3 | 0 | TKA10 | TARKZ | |||||||||||||
TARKZ_I | Indicator: Actual Allocation Price | CHAR | 3 | 0 | TKA10 | CO_TARKZ_I | |||||||||||||
YRATE | Price Calculation with Period-Based Average Prices | CHAR | 1 | 0 | CO_YRATE | ||||||||||||||
LATYP | Allocation Category (CO-OM-ABC) | CHAR | 1 | 0 | LATYP_ABC | ||||||||||||||
LATYPI | Variant Allocation Category in Actual (CO-OM-ABC) | CHAR | 1 | 0 | LATYPI_ABC | ||||||||||||||
MANIST | Indicator: Confirm quantity manually in actual | CHAR | 1 | 0 | CO_MANIST | ||||||||||||||
MANPLAN | Indicator: Plan quantity manually set. | CHAR | 1 | 0 | CO_MANPLAN | ||||||||||||||
FIXVO | Predistribution of fixed costs for acty type/bus. process | CHAR | 1 | 0 | CO_FIXVO | ||||||||||||||
FERC_IND | Regulatory indicator | CHAR | 4 | 0 | FERC_C7 | FE_IND |
CBPR foreign key relationships
Table | Field | Check Table | Check Field | |
0 CBPR | AUSEH | T006 | Units of Measurement | MANDT |
1 CBPR | BUKRS | T001 | Company Codes | BUKRS |
0 CBPR | CBART | CBAR | Type of business process | MANDT |
1 CBPR | CBAT | CBAT | Business Process Attribute | CBAT |
0 CBPR | CBRKE | CBRK | Value-Added Ranking for Business Processes | MANDT |
1 CBPR | CBRKI | CBRK | Value-Added Ranking for Business Processes | MANDT |
0 CBPR | DRVTP | CBDT | Allocation type for business processes | MANDT |
1 CBPR | FERC_IND | FERC_C7 | Regulatory indicators | MANDT |
1 CBPR | FERC_IND | FERC_C7 | Regulatory indicators | IND |
0 CBPR | GSBER | TGSB | Business Areas | MANDT |
0 CBPR | GSBER | TGSB | Business Areas | GSBER |
1 CBPR | KALSM | T683 | Pricing procedures | KAPPL |
1 CBPR | KALSM | T683 | Pricing procedures | KALSM |
0 CBPR | KOKRS | TKA01 | Controlling Areas | MANDT |
1 CBPR | LEINH | T006 | Units of Measurement | MANDT |
0 CBPR | LOGSYSTEM | TBDLS | Logical system | LOGSYS |
1 CBPR | MANDT | T000 | Clients | MANDT |
0 CBPR | OBJNR | ONR00 | General Object Number | MANDT |
1 CBPR | OWAER | TCURC | Currency Codes | MANDT |
1 CBPR | OWAER | TCURC | Currency Codes | WAERS |
0 CBPR | PRART | CBPL | CO-OM-ABC: Customizing Table, Process Category Defaults | MANDT |
0 CBPR | PRART | CBPL | CO-OM-ABC: Customizing Table, Process Category Defaults | PRART |
1 CBPR | PRCTR | CEPC | Profit Center Master Data Table | PRCTR |
1 CBPR | PRCTR | CEPC | Profit Center Master Data Table | DATBI |
1 CBPR | PRCTR | CEPC | Profit Center Master Data Table | KOKRS |
0 CBPR | SPART | TSPA | Organizational Unit: Sales Divisions | MANDT |
0 CBPR | SPART | TSPA | Organizational Unit: Sales Divisions | SPART |
1 CBPR | TARKZ | TKA10 | Master Data Table, Price Indicators | MANDT |
1 CBPR | TARKZ | TKA10 | Master Data Table, Price Indicators | TARKZ |
0 CBPR | TARKZ_I | TKA10 | Master Data Table, Price Indicators | MANDT |
0 CBPR | TARKZ_I | TKA10 | Master Data Table, Price Indicators | TARKZ |
1 CBPR | TEMPLATE | COTPL | CO-ABC Template Master Data | MANDT |
1 CBPR | TEMPLATE | COTPL | CO-ABC Template Master Data | KOKRS |
1 CBPR | TEMPLATE | COTPL | CO-ABC Template Master Data | TEMPLATE |
0 CBPR | TEMPLCLASS | COTPLCLASS | Template environments | CLASS |
1 CBPR | TEMPL_BPP | COTPL | CO-ABC Template Master Data | MANDT |
1 CBPR | TEMPL_BPP | COTPL | CO-ABC Template Master Data | KOKRS |
1 CBPR | TEMPL_BPP | COTPL | CO-ABC Template Master Data | TEMPLATE |
0 CBPR | VERAP_USER | USR02 | Logon Data (Kernel-Side Use) | BNAME |
1 CBPR | VKORG | TVKO | Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations | MANDT |
1 CBPR | VKORG | TVKO | Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations | VKORG |
0 CBPR | VTWEG | TVTW | Organizational Unit: Distribution Channels | MANDT |
0 CBPR | VTWEG | TVTW | Organizational Unit: Distribution Channels | VTWEG |
1 CBPR | WERKS | T001W | Plants/Branches | MANDT |
1 CBPR | WERKS | T001W | Plants/Branches | WERKS |